Efficient Era vs ZonGuru

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Efficient Era

Ads • Alerts • Automation for Amazon Private Label Sellers. Build your brand and protect your brand with Efficient Era.

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Selling on Amazon can be challenging, but ZonGuru makes it a whole lot easier. We provide tools for every stage of your Amazon journey.

Efficient Era Summary

Automate your Amazon Sponsored Product Ads

Intelligent Bid Recommendations

Efficient Era provides weekly recommendations to adjust bids to maximize campaign and keyword performance.

Match Type Recommendations

Our software dig through your data to suggest changes to keyword match types, so you can get super targeted and optimize your ad spend.

New Keyword Discovery

Our Ads tool automates the process of new keyword discovery by digging through your impressions, clicks and sales data and finding the most relevant ones.

ACoS Monitoring

Set your target ACoS on a per-product basis to optimize advertising performance for products at different stages of maturity.

Amazon Sponsored Product Ads PPC
Get Alerted on Business Critical Events

React Quickly to Listing Hijackers and Negative Reviews

Be notified when a SKU's model number or category changed. We will also notify you when anything about your listing changed, such as the title or bullet points.

Know When you Lose the Buy Box (Beta)

No need to wait for days or weeks before discovering that you are losing the buy box. Get alerted on the exact cause of a lost buy box.

Get Alerted on Negative Reviews, Feedback and Questions

Receive single or digest email alerts for product reviews. Also get notified for seller feedback, questions left and more.

Receive Sales Alerts

We send you the biggest weekly movers and top performers. It's always good to know what's going well

Amazon Hijack Buy Box Alerts
Get More Product Reviews with Email Automation

Buyer-Seller Messaging

Send timely emails to connect with customers within Amazon terms of service.

Customizable Email Templates

Use placeholders to customize your emails. Embed images, send attachments and request for review.

Email Open Rate Measurement

Measure email open rates to track over a date range to see how effective your campaigns are overall.

Unlimited Emails Across Multiple Marketplaces

Unlike some other tools, we do not limit or charge you for the number of emails you send out through Efficient Era. We support North America, Europe and Japan.

Amazon Email Automation
Monitor Reviews and Feedback

Review Monitoring

Receive review and feedback alerts as single or weekly digest emails.

Product Wise Review Alerts

Fine tune your review monitoring to the product level. Set emails to be sent to different team members for specific products.

Negative Seller Feedback Automation

Automate your "sorry" email in response to a negative seller feedback, and avoid a possible negative product review.

Review Analytics

Measure your review performance over time, search all review texts for patterns at the ASIN level.

Amazon Reviews and Feedback Management
Extract Important Information From Orders Data

Large Orders and B2B Customers

Download a list of large orders as well as orders placed by B2B customers. Search, sort, filter and expotrt to CSV for further analysis.

Repeat Customers

Download a list of your repeat customers from your orders reports. No need to manually collate reports in Excel.

Orders from Promotions

Find out which Amazon promotions resulted in orders. Click through to Order Details page.

Returns Monitoring

Monitor your per-product return rates. Find out your worst and best performing products in terms of returns. High return rates are red flags for Amazon.

Amazon Order Automation
Monitor Your Product Listings

Buy Box Ownership (Beta)

Buy Box losses need to addressed quickly to avoid needless loss of sales. We provide various reasons of loss such as Page Suppression by Amazon, No Stock, No offer etc.

Inventory Health

View balance stock, sales, reviews, run rate and profits on a per product basis. Annotate your inventory with key events to refer back later.

Profit Analysis

Visually drill down into the various cost heads such as Ads, Returns, Landed Costs, Amazon fees on a per product basis.

Run Rate

Know the per produrt run rate during a given date range to guide restocking decisions.

Amazon Product Listings
Know Your Profits

Profit Analysis

Analyze your profits on a per product basis. Profit calculations take into account Landed Costs, Ads, Promotions, Amazon Fees, Returns and Sales.

Profits by Marketplace

Measure profitability in 9 marketplaces, including US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, and Japan.

Identify Unprofitable Products

Don't let unprofitable items pull you down. Quickly identify products that are candidates for further analysis and possible removal from your inventory.

Identify Profitable Items

You might be surprised that your best selling products may not always be your more profitable ones. Drill down into profitability calculations over time ranges.

Amazon Profit Calculator
Reduce Your Return Rates

Identify Products with High Return Rates

These are your red flags. Amazon will make your products ineligible for FBA if your cross these thresholds. We provide a way for you to detect these early and prevent further damage.

Return Alerts

Every week we send you a consolidated list of items returns including return reasons quoted. Analyze this carefully to detect patterns that can lead to bigger issues.

Return Reasons

We provide convenient lists of returns by Return Reasons, giving you an extra point of focus for early problem detection.

Prevent Negative Reviews with an Automated Email

There is a small window of opportunity between someone initiating a return and leaving a negative review. Time is of essence. Use our email automation to reach out with a "Sorry" email.

ZonGuru Summary

ZonGuru Chrome Extension
Research product categories with speed and ease.
See how easy it is to be profitable in any category when you have an inside look at product prices, bestseller ranks, reviews, ratings, estimated sales, and more for any listing on Amazon. Our Chrome Extension helps make product research a more intuitive process and gives you the tools to feel confident when deciding whether or not to invest in a new product.

Business Dashboard
All Your Important Business Metrics at Your Fingertips
Being able to view your Amazon business’s most important trends and metrics is vital. Without this information you may not fully understand how your business is performing or what it’s worth!

That’s where we come in.

Now, with ZonGuru’s Business Dashboard you’re always in the know.

Sale Spy
Track monthly sales data for any Amazon product.
Your success depends on choosing products with high demand and top profit margins. And we don’t guess!

The sales intelligence we share with you is pulled from fresh, real data taken directly from Amazon’s API.

Email Automator
Build and nurture relationships with your customers, automatically.
Better connectedness means better engagement, and we help streamline that. Strategically automated email responses can really help to boost reviews and feedback, build a loyal fanbase and stay ahead of issues.

Keyword Tracker
Monitor the performance of your keywords.
Use our Keyword Tracker to easily monitor where your products rank for important keywords. Amazon’s search engine is a gold mine of potential customers; all they have to do is find you!

This tool removes the need for manual keyword checking, allowing you to optimize your listings and grow sales.

Keyword Listing Optimizer
Boost sales by improving your listing visibility.
It’s important that your listings are optimized with the right keywords. We help you instantly analyze your visibility for all key search terms, making sure you’re seen!

Product Monitor
Remain in control of your business at all times
Stay in the know at all times with the new Product Monitor feature. Receive instant alerts on any product review or any type of listing hijack and remain in control of your business.

Negative Feedback
Make sure your customers are smiling
No one wants to receive negative seller feedback. But now, with the new Negative Feedback tool you can instantly jump on top of pesky negative reviews to see if you can turn that customer’s frown upside down!

Your Orders
Find the order your are looking for instantly
Finding and responding to a customer who has left a good or bad review has never been easier. You can now search or scroll through your orders so that you can instantly reach out to your customers and make sure that they are satisfied with your products.

Your Products
Never run out of inventory again
Never run out of inventory again! Enter your COGS, manufacturer delivery time and shipping time so you can manage your profits and re-order timelines and never lose track of the most important aspects of your business.

IP Monitor
You Intellectual Property will never miss a beat
One of the most influential and important parts of your product listing is your product photography, right? The time and creative energy that goes into perfecting each unique photo is palpable. Now imagine someone downloading those images and re-posting them as their own.

Luckily, IP Monitor allows you to easily detect and report shady sellers trying to steal your intellectual property.


Feature Efficient Era ZonGuru
Profitability Analysis
Optimize Amazon PPC
Review Management
Control Inventory
Negative Review Alerts
Hijack Alerts
Inventory Monitoring
Feedback Alerts
Email Analytics
Feedback Management
Custom Email Designer
Email Automation
Repeat Customers
Returns Monitoring
Product Monitoring
Amazon Profit Calculator
Return Alerts
Keyword Management
Free Browser Extension
Sales Tracker
Product Launches
Keyword Tracking
Keyword Optimization
Order Management
Inventory Management
Business Dashboard


Efficient Era
Starting Price $19/m USD
Free Trial Available
Starting Price $49/m USD
Free Trial Available


Efficient Era offers services and analytics she would normally need at least 3 other subscription services for.

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Alexandra Urrea


Image of Alexandra Urrea

Affordably priced at just 2 cents per order, this essential collection of over 20 different tools, including feedback emails, customer insights, makes signup a no-brainer!

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Augustas Kligys

Orange Klik

Image of Augustas Kligys

Efficient Era is so inexpensive that it makes it a no brainer to sign up.

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Steve Chou

My Wife Quit Her Job.com

Image of Steve Chou

The insights are provided to the users and the feedback systems are highly automated. It is just like getting reviews while you sleep.

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Amazon Seller Tools

AMZ Finder

Image of Amazon Seller Tools

What it doesn't have though, is an option to email x days after 'delivery'. They only have the option xdays after 'shipped'.

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Paulina Masson


Image of Paulina Masson

The only concern is that in fact some of these tools are “duplicated”, others are separated into several while they could be proposed in one.

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Samir Belabbes

Outils Webmarketing

Image of Samir Belabbes