Helium 10 vs Efficient Era

Logo of Helium 10

Helium 10

The Helium 10 Software Suite contains tools that help Amazon sellers to find high ranking keywords, identify trends, spy on competitors, and fully optimize product listings.

Logo of Efficient Era

Efficient Era

Ads • Alerts • Automation for Amazon Private Label Sellers. Build your brand and protect your brand with Efficient Era.

Helium 10 Summary

Why Choose Helium 10

Product Research
Uncover winning product ideas and dive deeper into those markets to research and validate those ideas.

Keyword Research
Discover traffic-pulling keywords to help drive more traffic to your listing.

Product Launches
Launch products and rank keywords with the CPR Formula. Determine how many units you’ll need to sell in order to rank keywords to page 1.

Competitor Spying
Find out your competition’s strategy by uncovering what keywords their products are ranking for.

Listing Optimization
Quickly build and optimize your product listings so they bring in sales while you sleep.

Keyword Tracking
Track all of your keywords including their rank, Amazon badges and more. Whether you’re launching a product or optimizing an existing listing, tracking keywords is crucial for succeeding on Amazon.

Get refunded for lost or damaged inventory that Amazon may not have reimbursed you for.

And More!
Hijacker Alerts, Inventory Protection, Keyword Index Checker and many more tools to help you achieve your Amazon goals.

Efficient Era Summary

Automate your Amazon Sponsored Product Ads

Intelligent Bid Recommendations

Efficient Era provides weekly recommendations to adjust bids to maximize campaign and keyword performance.

Match Type Recommendations

Our software dig through your data to suggest changes to keyword match types, so you can get super targeted and optimize your ad spend.

New Keyword Discovery

Our Ads tool automates the process of new keyword discovery by digging through your impressions, clicks and sales data and finding the most relevant ones.

ACoS Monitoring

Set your target ACoS on a per-product basis to optimize advertising performance for products at different stages of maturity.

Amazon Sponsored Product Ads PPC
Get Alerted on Business Critical Events

React Quickly to Listing Hijackers and Negative Reviews

Be notified when a SKU's model number or category changed. We will also notify you when anything about your listing changed, such as the title or bullet points.

Know When you Lose the Buy Box (Beta)

No need to wait for days or weeks before discovering that you are losing the buy box. Get alerted on the exact cause of a lost buy box.

Get Alerted on Negative Reviews, Feedback and Questions

Receive single or digest email alerts for product reviews. Also get notified for seller feedback, questions left and more.

Receive Sales Alerts

We send you the biggest weekly movers and top performers. It's always good to know what's going well

Amazon Hijack Buy Box Alerts
Get More Product Reviews with Email Automation

Buyer-Seller Messaging

Send timely emails to connect with customers within Amazon terms of service.

Customizable Email Templates

Use placeholders to customize your emails. Embed images, send attachments and request for review.

Email Open Rate Measurement

Measure email open rates to track over a date range to see how effective your campaigns are overall.

Unlimited Emails Across Multiple Marketplaces

Unlike some other tools, we do not limit or charge you for the number of emails you send out through Efficient Era. We support North America, Europe and Japan.

Amazon Email Automation
Monitor Reviews and Feedback

Review Monitoring

Receive review and feedback alerts as single or weekly digest emails.

Product Wise Review Alerts

Fine tune your review monitoring to the product level. Set emails to be sent to different team members for specific products.

Negative Seller Feedback Automation

Automate your "sorry" email in response to a negative seller feedback, and avoid a possible negative product review.

Review Analytics

Measure your review performance over time, search all review texts for patterns at the ASIN level.

Amazon Reviews and Feedback Management
Extract Important Information From Orders Data

Large Orders and B2B Customers

Download a list of large orders as well as orders placed by B2B customers. Search, sort, filter and expotrt to CSV for further analysis.

Repeat Customers

Download a list of your repeat customers from your orders reports. No need to manually collate reports in Excel.

Orders from Promotions

Find out which Amazon promotions resulted in orders. Click through to Order Details page.

Returns Monitoring

Monitor your per-product return rates. Find out your worst and best performing products in terms of returns. High return rates are red flags for Amazon.

Amazon Order Automation
Monitor Your Product Listings

Buy Box Ownership (Beta)

Buy Box losses need to addressed quickly to avoid needless loss of sales. We provide various reasons of loss such as Page Suppression by Amazon, No Stock, No offer etc.

Inventory Health

View balance stock, sales, reviews, run rate and profits on a per product basis. Annotate your inventory with key events to refer back later.

Profit Analysis

Visually drill down into the various cost heads such as Ads, Returns, Landed Costs, Amazon fees on a per product basis.

Run Rate

Know the per produrt run rate during a given date range to guide restocking decisions.

Amazon Product Listings
Know Your Profits

Profit Analysis

Analyze your profits on a per product basis. Profit calculations take into account Landed Costs, Ads, Promotions, Amazon Fees, Returns and Sales.

Profits by Marketplace

Measure profitability in 9 marketplaces, including US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, and Japan.

Identify Unprofitable Products

Don't let unprofitable items pull you down. Quickly identify products that are candidates for further analysis and possible removal from your inventory.

Identify Profitable Items

You might be surprised that your best selling products may not always be your more profitable ones. Drill down into profitability calculations over time ranges.

Amazon Profit Calculator
Reduce Your Return Rates

Identify Products with High Return Rates

These are your red flags. Amazon will make your products ineligible for FBA if your cross these thresholds. We provide a way for you to detect these early and prevent further damage.

Return Alerts

Every week we send you a consolidated list of items returns including return reasons quoted. Analyze this carefully to detect patterns that can lead to bigger issues.

Return Reasons

We provide convenient lists of returns by Return Reasons, giving you an extra point of focus for early problem detection.

Prevent Negative Reviews with an Automated Email

There is a small window of opportunity between someone initiating a return and leaving a negative review. Time is of essence. Use our email automation to reach out with a "Sorry" email.


Feature Helium 10 Efficient Era
Profitability Analysis
Competitor Monitoring
Product Research
PPC Manager
Hijack Alerts
Keyword Research
Listing Optimization
Product Launches
Keyword Tracking
Refund Management
Keyword Optimization
Email Automation
Optimize Amazon PPC
Review Management
Control Inventory
Negative Review Alerts
Inventory Monitoring
Feedback Alerts
Email Analytics
Feedback Management
Custom Email Designer
Repeat Customers
Returns Monitoring
Product Monitoring
Amazon Profit Calculator
Return Alerts


Helium 10
Starting Price $97/m USD
Free Trial Available
Efficient Era
Starting Price $19/m USD
Free Trial Available


Helium10 is a set of extremely sophisticated FBA tools that can stand up against any of the total management tools that we have listed further up this article.

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Tom Buckland

Amazon SEO Consultant

Image of Tom Buckland

We've only being using Helium 10 for a few months now, but it's one of those tools that after you start using it – you wonder how you ever lived without it.

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Jake Cain

Niche Pursuits

Image of Jake Cain

The person who should absolutely consider Helium 10 is the Amazon seller who creates a lot of their own product listings.

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Nate McCallister


Image of Nate McCallister

Efficient Era offers services and analytics she would normally need at least 3 other subscription services for.

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Alexandra Urrea


Image of Alexandra Urrea

Affordably priced at just 2 cents per order, this essential collection of over 20 different tools, including feedback emails, customer insights, makes signup a no-brainer!

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Augustas Kligys

Orange Klik

Image of Augustas Kligys

Efficient Era is so inexpensive that it makes it a no brainer to sign up.

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Steve Chou

My Wife Quit Her Job.com

Image of Steve Chou